List of postal entities

This is a list of postal entities by country. It includes:



UPU members

The following list uses the structure and terminology of the document Status and structures of postal entities in the UPU member countries. This document, published in 2009 by the Universal Postal Union (UPU), contains data for 162 of the 191 countries and territories that were then UPU members. For these countries, which are marked below, the list's contents are based on that document.

Since this document was published, the UPU has had two changes of membership:

Country Governmental authority Regulatory authority Designated operator Notes
 Afghanistan[2009] Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies None Afghanistan Postal Service
 Albania Posta Shqiptare[2]
 Algeria Ministère de la Poste et des TIC[2] Algérie Poste[2]
 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua Post Office
 Angola[2009] Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies Instituto Angolano das Comunicações (INACOM) Empresa Nacional de Correios e Telégrafos de Angola (ENCTA)
 Argentina[2009] Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services (MinPlan) Communications Secretariat (SeCom) of MinPlan Correo Oficial de la República Argentina S.A. (CORASA)
 Armenia[2009] Ministry of Transport and Communication, State Estate Managing Department Public Services Regulatory Commission "Haypost" CJSC
 Aruba[2009] Ministry of Labour, Culture and Sports None Post Aruba N.V.
 Australia[2009] Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Postal Services Consultative Council Australia Post
 Austria[2009] Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology RTR GmbH Österreichische Post AG
 Azerbaijan[2009] Ministry of Communications and Information Technology None "Azerpost" State Enterprise
 Bahamas[2009] Ministry of Public Works and Transport None Bahamas Postal Service
 Bahrain[2009] Ministry of Transport None Bahrain Post
 Bangladesh Bangladesh Post Office[2]
 Barbados[2009] Ministry of Home Affairs None Barbados Postal Service
 Belarus[2009] Ministry of Communications and Informatization None Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belpochta"
 Belgium[2009] Ministry of Enterprise and Simplification Belgian Institute of Postal Services and Telecommunications (IBPT) Belgian Post Group (formerly La Poste)
 Belize Ministry of Public Utilities, Transport, Communications[2] Belize Postal Service[N 1]
 Benin[2009] Ministry of Information Technology and Communication Transitional Regulatory Authority "La Poste du Bénin S.A." (Benin Post)
 Bhutan[2009] Ministry of Information and Communications (MoIC) Bhutan Information, Communication and Media Authority (BICMA) Bhutan Postal Corporation Ltd.
 Bolivia[2009] Ministerio de Servicios, Obras Publicas y Vivenda None Empresa de Correos de Bolivia (ECOBOL)
 Bosnia and Herzegovina[2009] Ministry of Communications and Transport Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Postal Traffic BH Pošta
Other operators:
Pošte Srpske
Hrvatska Pošta Mostar
 Botswana[2009] Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology None BotswanaPost
 Brazil[2009] Ministry of Communications None Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (ECT)
 Brunei[2009] Ministry of Communications None Brunei Postal Services Department
 Bulgaria[2009] State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) Bulgarian Posts
 Burkina Faso[2009] Ministry of Posts, Information Technology and Communication None Société nationale des postes (SONAPOST)
 Burundi[2009] Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications None Régie nationale des postes (R.N.P. – National Postal Authority)
 Cambodia[2009] Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPTC) None Directorate of Posts (Cambodian Post)
 Cameroon[2009] Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications None Cameroon Postal Services (CAMPOST)
 Canada[2009] Minister responsible for Canada Post Corporation None Canada Post Corporation (CPC)
 Cape Verde[2009] Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport National Communications Agency (ANAC) Correios de Cabo Verde, SARL (CCV)
 Central African Republic[2009] Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and New Technologies None National Posts and Savings Corporation (ONPE)
 Chad[2009] Ministry of posts and information and communication technologies None (the regulatory function is assigned to STPE) Chad Posts and Savings Company (STPE)
 Chile[2009] Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, Under-Secretariat for Telecommunications None Empresa de Correos de Chile
 People's Republic of China[2009] Ministry of Industry and Information Technology None China Post Group
Macao: Macao Post
 Colombia[2009] Ministry of Communications None Servicios Postales Nacionales S.A.
 Comoros Societé Nationale des Postes et des Services Financiers[2]
 Republic of the Congo[2009] Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Directorate General of the Central Posts and Telecommunications Administration Congo Posts and Savings Company (SOPECO)
 Costa Rica[2009] None Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios Públicos (ARESEP) Correos de Costa Rica SA
 Côte d'Ivoire[2009] Ministry of New Information Technology and Telecommunications None Côte d'Ivoire Post
 Croatia[2009] Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Postal Services Council HP-Hrvatska pošta d.d
 Cuba[2009] Ministry of Informatics and Communications None Empresa de Correos de Cuba
 Cyprus[2009] Ministry of Communications and Public Works Commissioner of Telecommunications and Postal Regulation Department of Postal Services
 Czech Republic[2009] Ministry of Industry and Trade Czech Telecommunications Office (CTO), Ministry of Finance Czech Post
 Democratic Republic of the Congo[2009] Ministry of Posts, Telephones and Telecommunications Autorité de régulation des postes et télécommunications du Congo (ARPTC) Congolese Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (OCPT)
 Denmark[2009] Ministry of Transport Faerdselsstyrelsen (Postal Supervisory Department) Post Denmark A/S
Other operators:
Bring Citymail
 Djibouti Djibouti Post[N 1]
 Dominica Ministry of Public Works, Energy and Ports[3] General Post Office (GPO)[3][N 1]
 Dominican Republic[2009] Ministry of Public Works and Communications None Instituto Postal Dominicano (INPOSDOM) (Dominican Postal Institute)
 Ecuador[2009] Correos del Ecuador, attached to the office of the Vice-President of the Republic of Ecuador Agencia Nacional Postal (National Postal Agency) Correos del Ecuador
 Egypt[2009] Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies None National Postal Authority (Egypt Post)
 El Salvador[2009] Ministry of Gobernacíon None General Postal Directorate
 Equatorial Guinea Ente autónomo de Guinea Ecuatorial de Correos y Telecomunicaciones (GECOTEL)[N 1]
 Eritrea[2009] Ministry of Transport and Communication (Eritrea)Ministry of Transport and Communication Eritrean Communications Department Eritrean Postal Service (EPS)
 Estonia[2009] Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MEAC) Estonian National Communications Board Estonian Post (Eesti Post)
 Ethiopia[2009] Ministry of Transport and Communications None Ethiopian Postal Service
 Fiji Post Fiji[2]
 Finland[2009] Ministry of Transport and Communications Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA)
Åland: Åland Government/Unit of Administration
Itella Corporation
Åland: Åland Post
 France[2009] Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation Authority (ARCEP) La Poste
 Gabon[2009] Ministry of Communication, Post, Telecommunications and New Information Technologies Postal Regulatory Agency La Poste S.A.
 Gambia[2009] Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology None Gambia Postal Services Corporation
 Great Britain[2009] Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Postal Services Commission (Postcomm)
The islands of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, along with the British Overseas Territories, have separate operators and regulatory arrangements.
Royal Mail Group Plc.
Other operators:
55 other licensed operators as of 2011[4]
 Georgia Georgian Post[2]
 Germany[2009] Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Federal Network Agency (Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Post) Deutsche Post AG
 Ghana[2009] Ministry of Communications Postal and Courier Services Regulatory Commission Ghana Post Company Limited
 Greece[2009] Ministry of Transport and Communications EETT (National Telecommunications and Post Commission) Hellenic Post S.A. (ELTA S.A.)
 Grenada Grenada Postal Corporation[2]
 Guatemala El Correo (Correo de Guatemala S.A.)[2]
 Guinea[2009] Ministry of Communication and New Information Technologies (MCNTI) Posts and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (ARPT) Office de la poste guinéenne (OPG) (Guinean Postal Corporation)
 Italy Ministry of Economic Development Agenzia nazionale di regolamentazione del settore postale Poste italiane
 North Korea Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications[5] Korea Post and Telecommunications Corporation (KPTC)[N 1]
 Moldova[2009] Ministry of Information Development Poşta Moldovei
 Philippines[2009] Commission on Information and Communications Technology None Philippine Postal Corporation (PhilPost)
 Romania[2009] Ministry of Communications and Information Society National Regulatory Authority for Communications (Autoritatea Naţională de Reglementare în Comunicaţii) - ANCOM Poşta Română
  1. ^ a b c d e Presumably the country's principal or only postal operator; not listed as designated postal operator on the UPU website.

Other countries and territories

Country or territory Governmental authority Regulatory authority Operator(s) Notes
 Kosovo Post and Telecom of Kosovo
 Palestinian territories West Bank (PNA): Palestinian Ministry of Telecom & IT
Gaza Strip (Hamas): Ministry of Telecom and Information Technology
West Bank: Palestine Post
 Republic of China Ministry of Transportation and Communications Chunghwa Post

See also
